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(240) 376-2790

805 S State Rd #223 Davison, MI 48423

Info About the Prepare Premarital Counseling Program

For over 20 years I have been a certified Prepare facilitator. Prepare is the most widely-used premarital counseling programs in use today.

Is This Right For Us?

I recommend this program for couples where neither partner has been married before, and where neither partner would say they are having substantial problems in the relationship. If you’re not sure whether this is what you need, set up a call with me and I’ll help you decide.

Program Details

It begins with an assessment of your relationship so I can get a good understanding of both the strengths and some of the challenges you may have in your relationship. You take the assessment before our first session so starting in session one, we can get right down to business.

Prepare is a six-session program. Sessions are 60 minutes long.

Insurance does not cover couples/premarital counseling, so it will be cash pay and my rate is $200/session. If you pay in full by the third session, I’ll do the whole program for you for $1000, a savings of $200, essentially getting one session for free.

Why See a Counselor for This?

Most Prepare facilitators in the country are clergy. I was certified as a facilitator years ago when I myself was in the ministry. And I’ll be honest. A pastor might do this program with you for less money, and some might even offer it free if they are performing your wedding. But pastors–even gifted ones–are not counselors. There will be a substantial difference in what you will get out of the program when the person facilitating it has not only been doing it for 20 years, but is a licensed counselor specializing in couples counseling. The fact is this is my area and the focus of much of my life’s work. You will not regret the investment.

What’s Next

If after reading this, you are ready to get started, fill out my inquiry form below and let’s do a video meeting to help you get going!