About Our Consult Call
What It Is
- 15 minutes long. I have to keep these calls brief.
- An opportunity for us to connect in person a little bit.
- Important in both of us being able to determine whether we'll be able to work well together.
What It Isn't
- A counseling session! Not even a short one! We have a lot to get through in the 15 minutes we have, so please don't be hurt/offended if you feel like I'm kind of rushing you along.*
- A hard sell. I'm not calling to convince you to hire me, I'm calling to ask you a few questions and answer any you may have. I'm very experienced, and good at what I do, so of course I think you should hire me! But you'll get no pressure from me.
What's After That
- If you decide you want to start counseling with me, and we have time, we'll schedule your first appointment at the end of our call. If we don't have time we'll schedule it a little later in the onboarding process.
- Completing the consult call is step 1 of 3 in my onboarding process. After that you'll complete the next two steps, which are signing up for your Spruce Health account (about 30 seconds), and doing your intake paperwork (about 20 minutes). Spruce is a HIPAA-compliant messaging app for health care, so once you create your Spruce account, I will use Spruce exclusively to communicate with you.
- If we didn't have time to schedule our first session during the consult call, we will schedule that first thing after you create your Spruce account.
Check out a video that explains the onboarding process
*On the consult call, statements, not stories. "We're having communication issues" instead of examples, background information, etc. I'll definitely want all of that later on though! You'll tell me the stories on your intake form and in our first session.
People often wonder how I can know whether I can help them if they don't give me the background information on the call. That's an excellent question!